how to avoid plagiarism when order custom essay


When the essay writing business appeared on the web and student suddenly became able to buy papers without all the stress and work. It looked like lifeline for all students but unfortunately for many of us back then it was a disaster because we couldn’t avoid the plagiarism and I saw many stidents get humiliated by teachers for it, it was horrible.

This is still a problem till today because of all the sites that claim to write original essay’s but they just revamp essay’s to look original and that drive a lot of students into trouble. imagine yourself asking your teacher for another chance and trying to convince him that you had had a hard time and you didn’t mean to still somebody else’s work, bad situation isn’t?

Now the scenario goes like this, most students pressed in time with urgent essays to write, what does they do?, usually search on internet for essay writing service just like the old student of my age did 10 years ago and they fall in same trouble with plagiarized essays and lose their dignity in front of the teachers, beside of course the money and time they lost. And they have to restart from beginning.

Now if you wondering if there a legitimate essay writing service in the world?” the answer is “yes,” but you need to do some investigations. How can you avoid fraud? Things that were once time-consuming are now as fast as a click or a couple of clicks so don’t be lazy and do this investigation before using some essay service on internet:-

  1. First investigation about the essay service company.
  2. Second investigation about the subject of the paper.

First investigation about the essay service company:-

  • Look for an organized well-presented company: the content is well written, well organized and easy to understand. You need to see a privacy policy and make sure it protects your identity and ensures that your identity will never be shown to third parties.
  • Look for a company with phone number and talk to them – and call them to make sure they have a phone landline if you can’t call them that is a sign they may be have writers who don’t speak English.
  • Look for a company that has a great customer service. A legitimate writing service allows conversations with your writer. So you can craft the essay the way you want while you convers with them
  • Look for a company that let you chose your writer, the biggest essay writing service allow the client to choose their writer based on his background, education and even previous work and other clients ratings.
  • You should check for the companies name on google for reviews to check for their reputation. Look up reviews, testimonials and recommendations. A real deal company will have good reviews on internet.
  • You need a guarantee for revisions if you don’t like something about the essay or if your essay poor grade.

Second investigation about the subject of the paper:-

in order to have a higher chance of scoring top grades, you need to search on the topic of the paper before ordering customized essay and the reason for this is to get a good idea of how you want the essay to be so you can ask the writer to do it and you can judge the quality of the paper and assets how it will benefit you before even using it. Check our contacts in here